영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

모바일메뉴 열기


Special Program for Chinese Students only

Academic Information

Course Timeline
PSPS Academic Information
  • Admission
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester Graduation
March 4, 2025 March 2025 - June 2025 July 2025 - August 2025 September 2025 - February 2026 March 2026 - August 2026 August 2026

More information on academic calendar and academic programs can be found on the PSPS webpage (https://psps.yu.ac.kr).

Language of Course Delivery
  1. Chinese
  2. For courses not taught in Chinese, translation services will be provided
Name of Department and Major
Name of Department and Major table
Department Major Degrees offered
Saemaul and International Development(SID) Saemaul and Economic Development Master of Arts in Saemaul International Development (MA/SID)
Master of Arts in Applied Economics (MA/AE)
Master of Arts in Administrative Management (MA/AM)

Students will select only ONE degree of their preference from the options offered by the department.