
College of Social Science


The Department of Public Administration at Yeungnam University(Yeungdae) has provided a comprehensive program in the fundamental areas of the public administration as general theories of political science, law, and public administration including English language, computer-related techniques, research methodology, and police administration since 1963.

Actually the department of public administration has been proud of being the paramount to teaching and research in the field of practice as well as theory in the public administration community in South Korea. We produced more than 2,000 alumni working public administration practitioners and academic professors throughout the Korean peninsula. Additionally we have offered Master degree and Ph.D in public administration programs since 1973 and produced more than 130 masters and 24 Ph.Ds. Apparently, those alumni organizations have leaded by the high ranking governmental officials and nationwide as well as local elected politicians mostly those who passed the Korean Advanced Governmental Entrance Examination.

The undergraduate admission is so competitive, that in 2008, the 25-37% of applicants got their admissions. We have also opened the evening classes of public administration since the beginning of this department, the admission for seeking the evenings was sightly less competitive than the day-time school.

Even there have swift social and economic changes in Korea, the Yeungdae and its Public Administration Department have maintained the distinguished intellectualism and the commitment to diversity approach to produce the disciplined and well-trained governmental employees. We, the Yeungnam public administration man believe concretely that the Yeungdae is the most challenging university in both Korea and Asia.


The public administration department welcomes applications from all over the world. The Yeungnam University follows the admission policy adopted by Korean Ministry of Education. Admission criteria are set in accordance with nationally recognized standard tests.

For more information, please check out the main admission pages at


  • KangGwangSoo,Professor

    • University of Tokyo
  • YUN, Kwang-Jai,Professor

    • Univ. de Paris II (Univ. Pantheon - Assas) Comparative & Development Administration, Financial Administration
  • LEE, HWAN-BEOM,Professor

    • Univ. of Southern California Organizational Theory and Behavior
  • Hwang, Sungsoo,Professor

    • Univ. of Pittsburgh e-Government, IT Policy, Policy Analysis
  • PARK, SANG CHUL,Associate Professor

    • Florida State University
  • Lee Hayoung ,Assistant Professor

    • Public Administration

sorted by the position and Korean name


Department Of Public Administration
  • 1-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    1- 1
    This course is designed to introduce students fundamental legal concepts and skills which are useful in relating various legal troubles arising in our daily life. This curriculum deals with major cases relating to civil law, commercial law, criminal law, and constitutional law.
    1- 1
    1. Summary of the course This course is to assist university freshmen in CRM designing to adapt university life well through the instruction and counselling of supervising professor. (This course is composed of self analysis, personality type test, career research, instruction for the success of university life, career plan and direction setting, CRM designing method and CRM designing. The course should be teaching in classes of the students by supervising professor.) 2. Course objectives This course is to motivate the students before the mid term exam and provide students with self analysis, personality type test (MBTI or TCI) and career research (YAT test). Also, this course shall has a plan to instruct the students to enhance the efficiency of university life through career and time management. In addition, this course is to make a chance for the students to have practical assistance to university life by providing study method, report designing strategy and the information on academic system and various kinds of internal programs of the university. After the mid term exam, the students will be instructed to set the direction of career designing through continuous counselling of supervising professor and the students will be able to establish CRM designing and execution plan.
    1- 1
    This course introduces the basic theory and practice of public administration in modern society. Students will learn the basic theory of public administration including public policy, public organization, personnel administration, financial administration, administrative ethics, and administrative reform, etc.. In addition to that, this course produces understanding and analyzing several problems of Korean public administration.
    1- 2
    This course introduces the basic theory and practice of local autonomy. Students will learn the relationships between central government and local governments, local governments and local parliaments, and local governments and inhabitants, etc..
    1- 2
    This lecture treats total Korean history internationally and help Koreans to have necessary knowledge and to establish their own identity in order to play in a global socity. This lecture is formed to assist people who study history for entering various government's organizations and large companies or Korean history cerification test.
    1- 2
    This course is to cultivate community sense as members of society and the global village for students in order to develop the basic knowledge required as global citizens. Especially, this course is to foster the spirit of cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity and study the social contribution and leadership to solving the challenges the global community faces. As a liberal arts course, it is centered to nurture a leader having the global capability to contribute to community development through learning the knowledge and the case on the value & logic of social responsibility focused on environmental preservation, social contribution, and good governance(ESG). This course aims to foster a generous mind, learn knowledge and technology and build the capacity to contribute to building a society towards a safer and happier world through the study of theory and practice.
    1- 2
    Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course aims to educate the basic concepts of software and computational thinking to use them in various applications. It allows students of various majors to experience the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, and AI. It also introduces various applications of AI so that students can easily apply these technologies to their field of study. This course classifies the lecture types into three categories, and adjust the lecture difficulty according to the student's academic ability.
    1- 2
    This course introduces the basic theory and practice of public administration and management. Students will learn the basic theory of policy analysis, organization, personnel administration, and financial administration, etc. (2008~) This course introduces the basic theory and practice of public administration and management. Students will learn the basic theory of policy making, organization, personnel administration, and financial administration, etc.
  • 2-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    2- 1
    This class is focussed on Korean Constitution that shows Korean basic legal frames including politics and administration. Students can learn legal frames and Korean government structures with analyzing the Constitution.
    2- 1
    This course is designed to provide a basic statistical concepts that can be applied to the public sector. Students will learn probability theory, estimating and testing of hypotheses, analysis of variance, regression analysis, and time-series analysis, etc..
    2- 1
    This course provides students with the policy planning related knowledge such as theories on the policy and the policy formation process. We also search for the possibility of application of this Korean urban and regional planning process. As an introduction course on the policymaking theory and general theories on the policy studies, this class is taught focusing on three parts: 1)the history of policy sciences in the U.S.A. and in Korea; 2)some definitions, objectives, and approaches of policy sciences, and 3)paradigms and models for policymaking. In this course, the textbook approach of the policy process will be outlined with some policy cases narrated in the textbook.
    2- 1
    Public personnel administration involves acquiring, developing, utilizing, appraising, retaining, and compensating employees in the public sector. Bringing the theory and practice of human resource management (HRM) closer together, the course covers traditional and contemporary HRM subject matters, in addition to future issues and challenges in the workplace.
    2- 2
    To understand the huge conglomerate of the Administrative Law, this course studies on the general principles and basic conception of legal administration, proportion as well as administrative action for the benefits of citizen, and etc.
    2- 2
    This course is for studying Public Administration English literatures for applying Public Administration Research and practice. Also, it focuses on maximizing student's interpretation, writing, and conversation ability in English.
    2- 2
    This course is for improving essential elements of public work. They are logical and critical thinking, data analysis and inducing information, and decision making. They are developed by three sectors: Logical Words, data analysis and interpretation, and circumstantial analysis.
    2- 2
    This course deals with practice of urban governmental service. It focuses on the analysis of public housing, economic development, public safety, transportation system, and environmental problems.
    2- 2
    This course aims at comprehensive understanding on financial administration-basic theories on it, budgetary systems, and budgetary processes, etc. Increasing demands for the strengthening of international competitiveness of each country nowadays make it urgent for the Korean government to search for the ways of rational and effective management of limited national financial resources. Those aspects will be focused upon in this course.
  • 3-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    3- 1
    To understand the huge conglomerate of the administrative law, this course studies on the general theories of administrative action, process, and enforcement. And to study the guarantee of constitutional rights and legality of administration for the benefits of citizen, this course covers systematically and institutionally legal theories and cases.
    3- 1
    “Digital Society and Public Administration” explores the digital society formed by the rapid development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and responses of Public Administration to the changes of environment. The advancement of IT, particularly the web (Internet), has called for changes of Public Administration. This course will examine the cases of online-journalism, online community (and SNS), e-government, etc., both in Korea and other countries. This class will be conducted in English.
    3- 1
    This course is concerned with understanding the general conceptions and practical management in Public Enterprises which state or local government carries out. So, major objective of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of theorigins of Public Enterprises and procedures by which they are developed and managed.In detail, the objectives of the course are,① to enable students to clarify an understanding the general idea, function(role), types, management in public enterprises, ②to enable students to gain understanding of the various nations characteristics in public enterprises' system according to the degree of the political system and national development, ③ to enable students to engage in constructive criticism as to how organizations, personnel, labor relation, price making, budgeting and investing in public enterprises can be made more rational and effective, and how the administration, evaluation, control and privatization in public enterprises can be handled. (2008~) This course is concerned with understanding the general conceptions and practical management in Public Enterprises which state or local government carries out. So, major objective of the course is to provide students with a basic underpinnings of Public Enterprises and procedures by which they are developed and managed.
    3- 1
    This course seeks to analyze the field of government regulation from a political-institutional perspective as well as economic perspective.
    3- 1
    This subject examines the history, policies and programs of social welfare administration. The development of the welfare state is also explored. With regard to the specific areas of social welfare, this subject reviews the detail contents of social insurance, public assistance and social welfare service.
    3- 1
    This course aims to help develop basic understanding of the overall objectives of social studies education in secondary schools and the nature and composition of its curricula. It also intends to provide students with teaching and evaluation methods, and other educational methodologies for every disciplines or teaching areas in this field.
    3- 1
    This course deals with administrative practice of local government as a democratic structure. And local laws and institution, and local election system will be taught under the theory of local autonomy. Local politics and policy also will be discussed.
    3- 1
    This course aims to introduce the structural approach, the human relation approach, and the political approach to understand the organizational phenomenon.
    3- 2
    This course investigates environmental policy in Korea in air, water, waste disposal, and other areas. Topics covered include pollution control and regulation of the environment, evolution of regulatory policies, political economy of regulatory policies, and legal, managerial, and political approach to assessing regulatory politics, etc.
    3- 2
    The aim of this course is to introduce the theories of democracy and government to understand the essence, meaning, components and social roles of government.
    3- 2
    This course aims at understanding and explaining various organizational management strategies or skills to improve the performance and service quality of organization. It deals with the overall contents on organizational management including organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational change and design, performance management and evaluation, etc.
    3- 2
    PMIS teaches some concepts and terminologies of public information, structuring methodology for PIS, and information policies outlined by major information laws issued by Korean government. Also this course teaches concepts and practical developments of e-government and e-democracy.
    3- 2
    The course aims at providing the student with knowledge and comprehension on the particular conditions relevant for public sector accounting and auditing. The student will be able to understand and analyse public sector accounting and auditing from a broad perspective, thus both financial and non-financial accounting and auditing as well as different forms of performance measurements.
    3- 2
    This course aims to help examine the curriculum of social studies that are taught in the secondary schools?for the students in the middle school and the first graders in the high school. Those who take this course are also expected to get accustomed to the composition and contents of the secondary school social studies textbooks and to study diverse teaching and evaluation methods.
    3- 2
    The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the nature and logic of inquiry in public administration. This course covers the process and methods of empirical research to produce scientific knowledge in public administration. It also illustrate to students how various methods may be used to help answer emerging theoretical and policy questions in government administration of public programs as well as academic research.
  • 4-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    4- 1
    From enforcement of self-governance system in Korea, especially local ruling and management system has been changed in contrast to the central government system. Governance system is composed of social acting actors such as government, citizens, enterprises, NGO with networks. This lecture is focusing on learning and analyzing of related conceptions, essential requirements, approaches, applied and goals of governance.
    4- 1
    This course provides a comprehensive treatment of political and economic issues in local public finance. Its emphasis is on political and microeconomic analysis of local government functions and expenditures, as well as alternative means of obtaining revenues. Students will learn how economic theory and the political system provide insights into the functions of local government and the consequences of government activities, expenditures, and tax policies.
    4- 1
    As a theoretical and practical perspectives for policy analyst, policy analysis teaches analytical techniques and methods. In addiction, the ethical and judgmental analyses for the better policymaking, this courses trains students to use qualitative techniques in the real world of public policies.
    4- 1
    This course explores how to develop critical public conflict resolution alternatives or skills based on four conflict approaches related to beginning stage, processing stage, resolving stage, and preventing stage. This study also tries to examine the process to manage public conflicts from the governance point of view through cases of the social structure adjustment in public environment. In the process to manage conflicts in the changing environment, students become more skilled in negotiations by understanding how public conflict often begins the negotiation process.
    4- 1
    From the late of 20th century, concept of public administration has been changed to new concept of public management including economic characteristics similar to market system. For that, public sector including government is seeking to improve productivity and quality of public services. For learning and discussing several approaches of public management, this lecture of public management presents in one place a wide range concepts and techniques of management science, systems theory, and management analysis to advanced undergraduate students of public administration.
    4- 1
    Students in this course will examine diverse perspectives and theories in the various academic disciplines that are related to the social studies such as political science, economics, sociology, law, anthropolgy, geography and history. They will also study the unique characteristics and logics of the social studies subjects that are taught in the secondary school. This course thus aims to help students develop abilities to hold discourses with others in one's own logic.
    4- 2
    This study focuses on the issues of public administration ethics theory and how it applies to the lives of managers in the public bureaucracy.
    4- 2
    Public bureaucracy plays a pivotal role in managing government affairs, particularly in such politically developing countries as Korea. Thus, it is very essential to precisely understand the roles, activities and behaviors of public bureaucracy. This subject debates the realities and problems of Korean public bureaucracy, based on the various theories on bureaucracy.
    4- 2
    On the basis of economic theories and principles, this course covers normative and positive economic analysis of government’s policies and roles under the market failure. It seeks the role of the public sector in influencing resource allocation in a market economy, leading a discussion about a set of normative rules of guide public sector decision-making. This course also involves the positive study of how the activities of government (e.g. taxation, expenditures, transfers) influence resource allocation, relative prices, and welfare in the economy.
    4- 2
    The aim of this course is to integrate theoretical and practical aspects of public administration. Controversial issues of various public administration fields and areas will be selected and discussed.


If you need more information on the admissions and other inquiries, please contact to the office of department and/or the director of the public administration program.

  • Mailing Address :

    Department of Public Administration
    Building of Political Science and Public Administration, #109
    Yeungnam University
    Kyungsan, S. Korea 38541

    Tel : +82-53-810-2630

  • Director :

    Dr. Sung Soo Hwang

    Tel : +82-53-810-2636

    e-mail :